::Tuesday's With An Alaskan::

1. From where you live, are the public schools (elementary - high school) close to you or do you have to travel a long way to get to them?
The closest elementary school is about two minutes down the road from my house. Its called Tustamena Elementary after a popular lake in our area and I attended this school till sixth grade after which I transfered tto Ninilchik Elementary/Junior/High School. Its 30 min south from where I live and there are about 150 students K-12. However there are three high schools (two north and one northwest of my community) and two middle schools that are about twenty-thirty minutes away and have about 500 students 9-12th grade.

2. Are there any sports that are common in the lower states that are uncommon for you to see played in Alaska?
Tennis is not very common up here, neither is badmitten (if you count this as a sport), rugbee, lacrose, or gymnastics. There maybe clubs or small groups of people that play these games but no competitive leagues/teams. What is popular up here is football (if your school is large enough to have a team haha), basketball, volleyball, track&field and soccer. Softball and baseball are just gainning popularity at the highschool level but we have had a minor league baseball team for a while. Hockey is also popular.

3. Are there any sports that are common in Alaska that are uncommon for you to see in the lower states?
 A sport that is popular up here but not in the lower states (that I have noticed) is cross-country skiing. Snowmachine races and dog mushing are also competitive activities that are very common but not at the schools.

1. How common is it for you to see moose around where you live?
Moose are very common! every day on the way to work I will see at least one and usually about three. During the summer and spring you can multiply that by two for the cute calves that are with the momma moose :)

2. Have you ever built an igloo? If so...approx how long does it take to build one?
I have not built an igloo...yet..but type in "how to build an igloo" in Youtube and you'll get some pretty good videos!

3. What is your favorite outdoor activity partake in? and why is it your favorite activity?
My favorite outdoor activity is hiking. It's physically exerting yet makes you feel good, you get away from the busyness of life and you get to see amazing views and lots of animals :)
Heidi explains the (above) pictures
~ The first pic (bottom left) is just a cool creek we had to cross on one of our hikes.
~ The second (top row) is the mountains around a lake called Ptarmigan (tar-mi-gen) Lake; its on one of my favorite trails!
~ The third (bottom right) is of a moose crossing the road at the local hospital;  its common to see them walking along the streets especially in the winter. There is currently a mama moose and her twin calves outside the nursing home I work at which is in the middle of town :)
Starting on Tuesday June 21, I will be starting my new segment Tuesday's With An Alaskan! Each Tuesday, I will be asking several questions to my friend, Heidi, about her home state of Alaska and she will give us some very interesting answers. Visit this page to see each week's Q&A post!